Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting

This course covers topics taught in a Governmental and Not-For-Profit accounting course at an undergraduate/graduate level. This course cover 20 to 25% for the FAR section of the CPA exam. See Intermediate II and III.
Mansour Farhat · 21 March 2023

Course Description

This course benefits governmental and not-for-profit accounting students and CPA (FAR) candidates. It is a supplementary course for your education and an investment in your future.

Course Topics:

  1. Introduction to Financial Reporting
  2. Government Fund Accounting
  3. Modified Accrual Accounting
  4. Governmental Budgeting
  5. Recognizing Revenues and Expenditures
  6. Capital Project and Debt Funds
  7. Proprietary (Enterprise) Funds
  8. Fiduciary, Pension and Permanent Funds
  9. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
  10. Reconciliation of Governmental-Wide Financial Statements
  11. Accounting Not-For-Profit Organization
  12. Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
  13. Accounting for Health Care Providers
  14. Performance Evaluation
  15. Government and Not For Profit Ratios
  16. Governmental Auditing Standards-Yellow Book
  17. The single Audit Act of 1984

Course Features:

  • 55+ Videos Lectures (16 Hours+)
  • PowerPoint slides
  • 300+ MC questions

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Course Includes

  • 15 Lessons
  • 85 Topics
  • 34 Quizzes